
50 Year Open House
On Friday, August 23rd Collier hosted a 50th Year Open House which brought together current and former staff and families, and exemplified Collier’s tradition of community. 
Old editions of the Collier Courier, the school's newsletter, were on display at the open house
A woman looks through old photos of the school's history
A group photo of open house attendees, including staff and former students
Collier's principal smiles with a member of the community
A former student and his mom pose in front of the Collier backdrop
OMA Performance
On May 13, as part of their final OMA Gold performance, Collier's third grade class performed the songs they learned on recorders with Ms. Wendy Joy, Collier Arts Integration Specialist. The first grade class performed a musical they wrote with the OMA Musical Theater Team featuring a group of birds protecting their homes from a Big Bad Terrible Tiger.
Collier students in blue and red costumes sing during their OMA performance
Collier students play their recorders
A group of students stand on stage during their OMA performance
A student performs a solo during the OMA performance
Closeup of students lined up playing their recorders
Collier Holiday Performance
Collier Elementary sparkled with festive cheer as each grade showcased their musical talents during the holiday performance, enchanting the audience with a medley of heartwarming tunes. The celebration continued post-show, as families gathered to enjoy cups of hot chocolate with their students.
Students dressed as snowmen perform on stage
Students decked out in blue and yellow hats and scarves perform on stage
Students on stage during the holiday performance
A little boy smiles and points to the audience during the holiday performance
A parent takes a cell phone video of their child on stage.
Chili & Salsa Cook-Off Photos
Collier students dig into their bowls of chili.
A Collier PTA member smiles as she serves students chili.
Wooden spoons were given out as awards for the best chilis.
A Collier PTA member serves students some chili.
A table is decorated with a Keep Calm & Chili On sign and flames.